Queen's husband waives driving license because of collision with citizen car !!!

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The Queen's husband waives his driver's license because of a collision with a citizen car

LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Philip of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II have voluntarily given up their driver's license after being involved in a car crash last month, the BBC reported.

Queen's husband waives driver's license

The Queen's husband waived the driver's license from Buckingham Palace after the Queen's 97-year-old husband apologized after his car collided with another car, injuring her 28-year-old driver with minor injuries to her knee, 46-year-old to break her wrist as a baby survived (6 months) was with them from the accident.

The pregnant woman, Emma Verweather, 46, complained through media that the Queen's husband did not apologize immediately after the incident and Buckingham Palace announced that a message had been sent to the two women.

The Queen's husband was not hurt by the accident that caused his car to be overturned and admitted that the sun had affected his vision as he was trying to enter a subway to my master near a royal circuit in Norfolk, eastern England.

He was taken out of the car with the help of bystanders and was taken to the hospital to check on his health after the accident.

As we have previously reported, Prince Philip decided in August 2017 to retire from public life after spending decades of participation in the Queen's activities and activities. Buckingham Palace reported that Prince Philip had completed 22219 individual working hours since 1952 and after his individual activities He appeared with the Queen and members of the royal family. He performed a hip operation in April last year and despite his age, he still drives the car himself.

 Previous news on the Queen's incident can be found at:

The husband of the Queen of England is in a terrible accident driving his car .. at the age of 97 years
The husband of the Queen of England apologizes for the car accident

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